
I'm Charlie.

Picture of Me!

I'm a Frontend Software Engineer with a strong passion for building web applications with great user experiences.
Here's a bit more about me.


This is my technology stack

Html Logo
CSS Logo
JavaScript Logo
TypeScript Logo
Vue Logo
Nuxt Logo
React Logo
MobX Logo

Here are some of my projects

  • NFT Market Image

    NFT Market

    React JS, JavaScript, API Dynamic routing, and Styled Components

    NFT Market is a fully dynamic Full-Stack NFT marketplace built with React JS, JavaScript, API Dynamic routing, and Styled Components. This is a massive project that retrieves data from numerous backdoor APIs and it is routed using React. Using Skeleton Loading and also using advanced transitions and scrolling carousels, it makes it very responsive on all devices and smooth navigation along with a Countdown timer for all NFT items that is dynamically installed. The project is fully responsive, and it is hosted on Vercel.

  • Library Book Store Image

    Library Book Store


    It is an online book store that acts almost like Amazon does on their website by being able to put stuff in carts, add how many you want and get the accurate price. By building this app, it shows off my ability to be able to build E-Commerce websites and store websites that many people value. This is also a big project that helped me learn so many new and cool things about Front-End Development and just how fun it truly is

  • Grocery Website

    Grocery Website

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    E-commerce Website. A website that allows people to buy and search products in a simulated supermarket and place orders

  • Car Rental Image

    Car Rental Projects

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, AJAX, JSON, JQuery, AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    A simplified online business portal (website) for a Car Rental Company: “Hertz-UTS”. The website is a simulated online car rental system that aims to offer users a streamline browsing and operation experience